This article will cover the special features of the VIDY coin and provide a technical analysis of the currency on . Information will be provided on how and where you can buy VIDY coins . Our technical analysis will be based on weekly candlestick charts . Investors will be able to use our weekly assessments where they will have the opportunity to manage their portfolios according to opportunities and risks .
By leveraging the Ethereum blockchain , Vidy has developed an inventive one-page invisible embedding layer for videos . This layer incorporates tracking technology,enabling an accounting system that measures the duration of ad views. As a result publishers and users are rewarded with VidyCoins , received from advertisers as part of the VidyCoin payment for displaying video ads .
Through a single action of holding, users can now unlock an entirely new dimension of the internet , unveiling small yet highly relevant videos concealed behind any web page .
What is VIDY Coin?
Vidy Coin aims to reintegrate a user base of 600 million people who currently employ ad blockers by implementing a decentralized and innovative approach to video advertising .By leveraging the Ethereum blockchain , Vidy has developed an inventive one-page invisible embedding layer for videos . This layer incorporates tracking technology,enabling an accounting system that measures the duration of ad views. As a result publishers and users are rewarded with VidyCoins , received from advertisers as part of the VidyCoin payment for displaying video ads .
Through a single action of holding, users can now unlock an entirely new dimension of the internet , unveiling small yet highly relevant videos concealed behind any web page .
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