The Spanish tax authorities don’t want to leave anything to chance in 2023 and 2024; will these be the years of regulation? This has never been more true if the current news is to be believed. Authorities are toughening up and whistling the end of recess from the United States to Japan. Nothing is safe from the prying eyes of the regulator, who wants to know everything about your cryptos, whether they are centralized platforms, the DeFi protocols, or private wallets. While several signals suggested that the climate in Spain was crypto-friendly, it suddenly became a cold shower. Will you be required to report everything beginning January 1, 2024?
Pavel Durov’s Telegram has announced that it issued $270 million in bonds this week to fund its growth until it achieves profitability. The move is intended to provide the necessary funding to bring the company closer to the break-even point . With this bond issuance Telegram is aiming to guarantee its development and secure the resources needed for its expansion . Bonds vs. Shares: The Reasoning Behind Telegram’s Choice Telegram’s decision to issue bonds instead of shares is due to the significant rise in interest rates beginning from 2021 . By going for bonds the company can benefit from a different issue price and tap into the pool of interested investors. Bonds offer a promise of repayment of interest and serve as a loan contracted with investors who believe in the companys potential. FOR MORE INFO:
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